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Loose Diamonds - Quick Guide Before Buying

There is a large market today in our society that provides the average buyer the opportunity to purchase loose diamonds for their diamond jewellery settings, both in-house and online. When it comes to finding the right loose diamond for each specific need, there are different variants that could play a major role in making the right choice.

The main reason one would want to consider buying loose diamonds is that they are appraised easily and cost less loose than in a setting. This will give the buyer the opportunity to place the diamond in the setting that they feel suites them best, giving them a personal piece of diamond jewellery and saving some money at the same time. It does not matter what type of diamond jewellery setting you are considering whether it is diamond rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or more, the average buyer will find that the cost of buying loose diamonds to fit into a separate setting will be less expensive than those that already come pre-set with diamonds.

When it comes to getting the best value for your money with loose diamonds there are several things to consider. Make sure the diamonds you are buying come from a reputable dealer. Many dealers carry certified loose diamonds from GIA, or some other reputable diamond affiliated groups that can measure the quality and standards of the loose diamonds. Some things to look for with the naked eye could be signs of fractured filled diamonds, laser drilled diamonds, or other unnatural flaws that you normally would not recognize or see on other diamonds.

Understanding how diamonds are graded will help when it comes to picking out the best value of loose diamonds. When it comes to grading diamonds you will be dealing with the 4C’s. There is colour, cut, clarity, and carat that all play a factor in determining the value of a diamond. Gaining knowledge of the terminology that is frequently used in the jewellery industry along with the ability to accurately define a certification report from the GIA will help determine a diamond’s value. Getting an estimate in cost based off the diamond certification from an independent appraiser that is not associated with the jewellery vendor could be another way to help determine the value of the diamond.

Other things to consider when buying loose diamonds would be the company’s return policy along with their shipping and handling procedures to help protect against possible fraud and purchasing conflict free diamonds.


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