Diamonds or Gemstones: What Women Prefer Most
The old song, “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” captures the way many people think about women and jewellery. If you are going to buy a woman a present of jewellery, why not buy diamonds? The answer is as varied as the women themselves, of course!
Read on to see whether women prefer gemstones or diamonds. When it comes to the most important piece of jewellery, the engagement ring, you may think that naturally women would prefer diamonds, and the bigger the better. That is not necessarily the case. While most cannot resist a diamond solitaire sparkler, even celebrities have been spotted wearing gorgeous emerald engagement rings, breaking the trend with diamonds.
The same is true of typical anniversary pieces; diamonds are beautiful, but increasingly gemstones like sapphires, emeralds and other precious stones are stealing the spotlight.
How do you know if a woman would like to try these trends? That depends on the woman herself. If she is fashion forward, she probably will be very receptive to a nontraditional engagement ring or other time honoured symbol. Birthstones are a popular way to experiment with colour, and you might try a gift in her birthstone to see how she enjoys playing with gemstones.
So do women prefer diamonds or gemstones? The real answer for most women is: it depends on the occasion. Thoughtful gifts capture not only the moment at hand but create a piece that will give fond memories for a lifetime, whether that is diamonds or emeralds or rubies or other beautiful gemstones!