Diamonds, Inclusions, and Filling The Gaps
Diamonds are one of the most precious stones on the planet and the clarity of the diamond is very important when one is researching or looking to purchase a diamond.
Diamond clarity looks at whether a diamond has inclusions. The more inclusions a diamond has, the less it is worth.
What are inclusions?
It is highly unlikely that one will be able to find a flawless diamond. Even though many diamonds do have flaws, being able to see them with the naked eye is virtually impossible. Inclusions are imperfections found inside the diamond. They are spots that come in a variety of colours and they may also be cracks in a diamond. Blemishes on the other hand are flaws found on the outside of the diamond’s surface. You will also find that diamonds may still have shards of the rough diamond remaining.
There are several ways to fix these inclusions and blemishes and one of those ways is by filling the diamond. Since diamonds have small cracks or gaps these need to be repaired as well as possible. The cracks take away from the brilliant appearance and therefore negatively affect the value of the diamond.
In the 80s the process of filling diamonds with a clear, hard material was discovered. Filling the gaps some choose to fill those inclusions. In cases like these, a clear, hard material is used to fill in the gaps on diamonds. The process makes an improvement in a diamond that can help it get a higher grade. The substance is like glass but has the same quality as diamonds. The shine of the substance used to fill the cracks makes the fracture less easily seen with the naked eye.
Filled diamonds are not turned into gemological labs because they are usually too low in quality. Labs don’t normally provide clarity grades to diamonds like these, because the filling is not a permanent fix. Eventually, the diamond will start to show signs of the fracture showing through.
How will it look?
It has been reported that there are newer fillers that have been created which are supposed to be more durable are less prone to colour change or bleed out during the process of repairing jewellery. Normal everyday use of the diamond will not show any signs of the diamond being filled and will require one to use a magnifying loupe. There are commissions and confederations that regulate the sale of these diamonds so that those buying them know what they are getting.